Results of the VI Essay Competition

Essay Competition in International Commercial Arbitration is annually organized by the Ukrainian Arbitration Association for students. This year's topic was «How to make your home jurisdiction a better seat of arbitration?»

We are happy to announce the results of the 6th UAA Essay Competition on International Arbitration!

Meet our 1st place participant, Yevhenii Vasylchenko!

He will get the opportunity to complete the one-month paid internship in "Dispute Resolution" practice of a leading Ukrainian/international law firm (in Kyiv), will be granted the cash prize in amount of UAH 2000 with the right to become a candidate for membership in NGO "Ukrainian Arbitration Association", free of the admission and first annual fees payment, as well as, to be enrolled to the VII Arbitration School out of competition.

The 2nd place participant is Mykhaylo Korchynskyy!

He will get the opportunity to complete the one-month unpaid internship in "Dispute Resolution" practice of  a leading Ukrainian/international law firm (in Kyiv), be granted the cash prize in amount of UAH 1000, as well as the right to become a candidate for membership in the NGO "Ukrainian Arbitration Association", free of the admission and first annual fees payment and to be enrolled to the VII Arbitration School out of competition.

The 3rd place participant is Iryna Fonotova!

She will receive a set of literature on international commercial arbitration and the right to become a candidate for membership in the NGO "Ukrainian Arbitration Association", free of the admission and first annual fees payment as well as to be enrolled to the VII Arbitration School out of competition.

We sincerely congratulate the Competition winners and wish them further professional development!

UAA will contact the winners regarding their prizes and internship.

Members of the Association can be an individual with a law degree, is a specialist in international commercial arbitration or have a professional interest in international commercial arbitration and share the goals and objectives of the Association. Read more


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