Current Professional Position: Fulltime Independent Arbitrator

Nationality: Polish

Residence: Poland

Bar admission: England and Wales, France, Poland


  • Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań, Poland (LL.M in Law)
  • Bar Research Center at the Polish Bar Council, Warsaw, Poland (Postgraduate Study in Business Law)
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Warsaw, Poland (Qualified for diplomatic service)
  • Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, London, Great Britain (C.Arb.)
  • FIDIC (President’s List of approved adjudicators, validated as qualified mediator)

Legal Background: civil law, international law


Native: Polish

Sufficient to conduct proceedings and draft award: English, French, German, Russian

Able to read the case materials: Spanish, Italian

Fields of specialisation: Banking & Financial services, Construction, International Trade, Investment Arbitration, IP, IT, Maritime, Military & Defence, Transport & Infrastructure

Arbitration experience: as arbitrator – 550+, as counsel – 20+, in other capacity – 1 (party appointed expert)

Under which arbitration rules: AAA-ICDR, BelCCI, CAC-ADR.eu, CACI, CAS, CCIR, CICA-CCIR, CCP, CSGS, CICAR, CIETAC, DIA, DIS, ECCI, FAI, HCCI, IAA, IAC, IACA, ICANN, ICAC Kyiv, ICAC Moscow, ICC, IHK, JCAA, LCIA, Lewiatan, LME, МТС при ТПП КР, NAF, PCC, PIIT, PKOL, RCA, SANIG, SCC, Swiss Rules, VCCA, VIAC, WIPO, Wielkopolska (Poznań), UNCITRAL, and other ad hoc

Personal profile/CV:

Членами Асоціації можуть бути фізичні дієздатні особи, що мають вищу юридичну освіту, є фахівцями у галузі міжнародного комерційного арбітражу чи мають професійний інтерес до практики міжнародного комерційного арбітражу та поділяють мету та завдання діяльності Асоціації. Детальніше


